Thanks to those we've worked with past and present:

Arno Adkins
Peter Arbour
Anthony Arnold
Ted Baab
Chris Beidel
Gaetane Bertol
Sidney Blank
Lucia Capannini
Jenny Cheung
Jonathan Cielo
Elie Derman
Marisa Fontaine
Annabel Fraser
Anna Friedrich
Mike Hsieh
Craig Intinarelli

Elite Kedan
Bassam Komati
Lindsey Kosinksi


Jane Lea
Linday Meyer
Gianluca Milesi
Anne Miller
William Ngo
Pablo Oviedo
Josh Palmer
Analia Garcia Ramirez
Martin Schmitt
Rosalyne Shieh
Vera Shur
Elizabeth Stoel
Ken Tracy
Els Verbakel
Jennifer Whitburn
Carolyn Yerkes
Takushi Yoshida

the office

firm map

about the firm

