Imrey Culbert is a design atelier based in New York and Paris, with a focus on museum and gallery design. The firm’s work combines technical expertise with a vested interest in the public and social aspects of the spaces we create. In all projects, we strive to create design solutions that are simultaneously beautiful and highly functional. This can only be done with strong partnerships and understanding with our clients. Our design process includes intensive client involvement and decision-making. Our passion for architecture stems from our deep belief in architecture’s capacity to “speak” to the needs, values and goals of its users. 


For architecture to do this, it must know its users very well. That is why we strive to be good listeners and why we take ample time to understand and evaluate the design and challenges, both formal and technical, of a given program for each project is unique. For architecture to succeed, it must have an acute sense of its own limits and possibilities. We devote significant resources to in-house research and development, constantly developing our awareness of products and building systems for these reasons. It goes almost without saying we have made a commitment to environmentally responsible design, construction and in-house office practices.

the office

firm map

about the firm

